Momma Boot Camp

Is it time? Do you feel like you are drowning in children that speak a language entirely different than the one you are attempting to teach them in?

I once complimented a counselor for all the awesome ideas she gave me and she replied, “It’s easier when it’s not for yourself.” Since then, I giggle when I pull up this very blog to figure out a consequence!

Why Can’t I Remember ANYTHING?

Looking for commands, consequences, and rewards? I swear that before I had kids, I had more brain cells and could rattle off ideas without this eerie fog I’ve had my first pregnancy… 8 years ago! People used to smile as say, “Oh, that’s just pregnancy hormones,” then, “Baby brain from not enough sleep!” Now what?! Just clueless!?

Unless… that is, it’s for Others

I once complimented a counselor for all the awesome ideas she gave me and she replied, “It’s easier when it’s not for yourself.” Since then, I giggle when I pull up this very blog to figure out a consequence!

Ideas for Commands

Here are some example commands to practice obedience, while also incorporating some valuable lessons and skills.

  • Do 20 jumping jacks
  • Put those toys away
  • Practice bible verses
  • 3 in 1 trick combo: potty, flush,and wash hands
  • Brush your teeth
  • Set the table
  • Eat these vegetables
  • Clean up table
  • Help your sister/brother
  • Think of a way to serve someone
  • Vacuum your bedroom
  • Put all dirty laundry here
  • Fold your clean laundry
  • Put away your laundry
  • Put your shoes on
  • Practice playing the piano
  • Practice your favorite sport
  • Silently read until timer goes off in 20 minutes
  • Do not touch this candy in front of you for next 3 minutes (can eat if successful)
  • Draw a picture for someone you love
  • Run… freeze
  • Lay in your bed… stay in your bed

Ideas for Rewards

Rewards: If you’d love some incentive charts, I found these on Amazon.

Please note: You will not be charged extra for purchasing though these links, but I may receive a small commission for researching and recommending what I view as the best.

  • Treat
  • Hug and words of encouragement
  • 5 minutes of immediate screens
  • Get to skip one item on dinner plate
  • Stickers
  • Double allowance this week
  • Plan a play date with friend of choice
  • Rub back and say how proud you are
  • Hot chocolate
  • Visit animal shelter
  • Playground after boot camp
  • Drive thru lunch after boot camp
  • Allowed to bring 2 toys to bed
  • Stay up 20 minutes late
  • Choose what’s for dinner tomorrow
  • Special drink at dinner (I save juice for this, as it has so much sugar, it’s not a regular sound here)
  • Bake together and lick the icing
  • Date with mom, dad, or both
  • High five
  • Put duct tape across door as spider web and throw cotton balls at it
  • Build an obstacle course
  • Decide music that will be played in car
  • Sleep in mom and dad bedroom
  • Mom and Dad will complete all your chores tomorrow
  • 5 items at the dollar store
  • Mom and Dad will write all the reasons they love you
  • Mom or Dad will read you your favorite book wherever you choose

Ideas for Consequences

  • Timeout (in carseat if necessary)
  • If applicable, repeat that behavior at least 20 times, along with the correct behavior 20 times
  • Letter to God asking for forgiveness (and discussion that He will always forgive)
  • Bring me your favorite animal/blanket. I’ll be washing while u sleep.
  • Apple cider vinegar on tongue (usually saved for when yucky things come out of their mouths)
  • No screens rest of day
  • Pull weeds
  • 20 minutes early to bed
  • Complete your siblings next chore AND yours
  • Gross vegetables for snack
  • No dessert after dinner
  • Write an apology letter
  • Take away favorite toy
  • Extra homework page
  • Clean out the van
  • Clean toilets
  • Wipe baseboards
  • Mop the kitchen
  • They must put all toys into a bucket for timeout

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