Our Story

Our story started Dec. 10, 2015. He was almost 3 years old and had a very healthy start. He had a minor cold, which wasn’t a concern as he’s our 2nd child and it’s going to take more than that to frazzle us. I heard some audible wheezing and called the pediatrician to ensure I shouldn’t be doing something more. She asked a few questions and insisted we take him to the emergency room. WHAT?! He’s riding his bike in our dining room, laughing and playing with his big brother. We give him a dose of his brothers Albuterol from a minor incident the previous year and headed down to the hospital. They gave him back to back doses of Albuterol and stated that they were concerned that he wasn’t clearing and they didn’t feel comfortable sending us home. They stated he may just be a “happy wheezer,” but wanted to run some tests. They discovered he had rhinovirus, and sent us home with oral steroids and instructed us to continue Albuterol every 4 hours until he cleared.

Well, he officially didn’t “clear” until recently. However, it was definitely a fight! We wouldn’t have made it through without the prayers and support from others, some strangers. Also, the discovery that our insurance would cover as many “2nd opinions” we desired, as long as they were in-network!

After MANY different diagnosis, we finally found two specialists that believed in my theory that my son has bronchomalacia! They not only allowed me to pursue the treatment plan, but helped fight insurance to pay for the equipment! The biggest blessing of the entire scenerio is that we no longer are required to give my itty-bitty medications. We use airway clearance devices and home remedies, which have been much more effective than drug after drug they prescribed!

All this being said, if you know someone with a chronic sick child, please share this blog and our story. If you are someone with a chronic sick child, please do not give up and follow your heart!

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