Looking for commands, consequences, and rewards? I swear that before I had kids, I had more brain cells and could rattle off ideas without this eerie fog I’ve had my first pregnancy… 8 years ago! People used to smile as say, “Oh, that’s just pregnancy hormones,” then, “Baby brain from not enough sleep!” Now what?! Just clueless!?
I once complimented a counselor for all the awesome ideas she gave me and she replied, “It’s easier when it’s not for yourself.” Since then, I giggle when I pull up this very blog to figure out a consequence!
Here are some example commands to practice obedience, while also incorporating some valuable lessons and skills. If you’d like to go full-speed in, please consider Momma Boot Camp.
- Do 20 jumping jacks
- Put those toys away
- Practice bible verses
- 3 in 1 trick combo: potty, flush,and wash hands
- Brush your teeth
- Set the table
- Eat these vegetables
- Clean up table
- Help your sister/brother
- Think of a way to serve someone
- Vacuum your bedroom
- Put all dirty laundry here
- Fold your clean laundry
- Put away your laundry
- Put your shoes on
- Practice playing the piano
- Practice your favorite sport
- Silently read until timer goes off in 20 minutes
- Do not touch this candy in front of you for next 3 minutes (can eat if successful)
- Draw a picture for someone you love
- Run… freeze
- Lay in your bed… stay in your bed
Rewards: If you’d love some incentive charts, I found these on Amazon.
Please note: You will not be charged extra for purchasing though these links, but I may receive a small commission for researching and recommending what I view as the best.
- Treat
- Hug and words of encouragement
- 5 minutes of immediate screens
- Get to skip one item on dinner plate
- Stickers
- Double allowance this week
- Plan a play date with friend of choice
- Rub back and say how proud you are
- Hot chocolate
- Visit animal shelter
- Playground after boot camp
- Drive thru lunch after boot camp
- Allowed to bring 2 toys to bed
- Stay up 20 minutes late
- Choose what’s for dinner tomorrow
- Special drink at dinner (I save juice for this, as it has so much sugar, it’s not a regular sound here)
- Bake together and lick the icing
- Date with mom, dad, or both
- High five
- Put duct tape across door as spider web and throw cotton balls at it
- Build an obstacle course
- Decide music that will be played in car
- Sleep in mom and dad bedroom
- Mom and Dad will complete all your chores tomorrow
- 5 items at the dollar store
- Mom and Dad will write all the reasons they love you
- Mom or Dad will read you your favorite book wherever you choose
- Timeout (in carseat if necessary)
- Letter to God asking for forgiveness (and discussion that He will always forgive)
- Bring me your favorite animal/blanket. I’ll be washing while u sleep.
- Apple cider vinegar on tongue (usually saved for when yucky things come out of their mouths)
- No screens rest of day
- Pull weeds
- 20 minutes early to bed
- Complete your siblings next chore AND yours
- Gross vegetables for snack
- No dessert after dinner
- Write an apology letter
- Take away favorite toy
- Extra homework page
- Clean out the van
- Clean toilets
- Wipe baseboards
- Mop the kitchen
- They must put all toys into a bucket for timeout
These are great ideas 🙂 Question- When you do this, do you write the rewards/consequences on the popsicle sticks so they just ‘get what they get’? Or do you let them choose from a list? Or how do you do it? I have some ideas for how to implement, just curious what you have done. 🙂
Thank you for commenting. I typically just read from the list and decide based on the child and what reaches them. However, if you arent sure, it may be best to go through them until you discover their “language.” If they are older/intelligent, I think it’s best to “get what you get,” as they tend to process whether it’s worth it to disobey!