Am I a bully? And how to handle bullies!

My babies have given me so much insight with their opinions as to why bullies are cruel. I think its important to know the why before you can properly improve the situation. I listed several possibilities on the chart. Most of my anti-bully suggestions come from my teaching experience. Most of my students knew that […]

Why is it always on a plane that you hear people try to teach other parents?

As much as you’d like to avoid this, its all too common. I think people have travel anxiety and take it out on poor innocent mothers. One time, I was carrying a carseat, a diaper bag, AND my child. Some man had the audacity to glare at me for bumping into him. I will forever […]

Is there a time more overwhelming than that first month of your first child?

As you can probably tell by my other blogs, I am a little OCD and research too much. Luckily for all of you, I typed these notes on my phone and now can just cut and paste them to share. This one will hopefully be super helpful for new moms and turns out to be […]