Who ever heard of odor-induced asthma?



After making it 8 months without a hospital stay, I was feeling pretty confident that his new diagnosis and all our techniques were working from home.  He had at least a dozen “colds” since ICU in July and this one was diagnosed rhinovirus, like many of the others.  HOWEVER, out of nowhere, this one spiraled out of control and we couldn’t clear him from home.  We went to the ER on Monday, March 20, and he cleared that night using a few airway clearance devices, but kept in the hospital until Wednesday for observation.  He had a few days at home without any issues, then back into the hospital Tuesday, the 28th.  This time, none of the tricks cleared him, except for high flow oxygen in ICU on the 29th.

So, I went back to analyzing everything! The chart on the top represents every day since the very beginning (yes, I’m a nerd)!  You can see the amount of days he was clear, mild cold symptoms, wheezing, and respiratory distress.  The bottom half shows all the medications and devices we’ve tried.

Looking at that, I would like to find out if steroids stay in your system for 20-30 days, because that is the average length of time that our son and another malacia child can stay healthy.  I do know that it lowers immunity, but this is crazy!  Especially because of how healthy he was from birth until all of this.

Alright, back on topic! Late night, I realized that he started swim lessons 5 weeks before all of this is 2015 and continued until ICU in July.  We didn’t start back until 5 weeks before this hospital stay!  Coincidence?!  Those articles mention how many issues chlorine and chloramines can cause.

Another common thread was that strong odors increased his respirations.  One time, it was a freshly painted gymnasium.  Three separate times (yes, I should’ve learned after I questioned it during round 1), it was the stronger essential oils that are for adults with colds.

I did discover that he most likely had this malacia his entire life, as I stalked his records from… his entire life!  During a well visit right before his first birthday, the doctor heard him wheezing, but said that since he wasn’t in distress, to just watch closely.  He didn’t have issues until they started all the medications.

In the end, I hope that its just chlorine that evaporates, hits the ceiling, and rests on surface of the water…. because I can definitely avoid indoor pools with him!

WOW, can you tell its 1am?!  Sorry if this blog is ALL OVER THE PLACE!  Welcome to my mind in the middle of the night! 😉


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