Do side effects no longer exist?

Why is it that rather than admitting to the listed side effects, doctors tend to create a brand new diagnosis and attempt to prescribe more drugs? We’ve had many experiences with this and often hear, “I’ve never heard of that happening, so it must be this instead.” All the while, nurses and respiratory therapists are agreeing with me stating, “Yep, I see that every day, but we cannot disregard the doctors orders.” However, I’ve had several nurses and RT minimize written orders, saying, “That is too much for him! I’m only giving him a smaller dose!” I, of course, cheer them on in this, but know that it isn’t right! It has always helped us in the end, but wish doctors would ask nurses for real life experiences verses statistics they’ve read!

The sad part is that this is happening in everyday, over the counter medications, as well. My sister in law has chronic headaches. From what I remember, a specialist told her she shouldn’t take Tylenol or Advil because they ultimately cause reoccurring headaches! So, your body will create the same undesired sickness just to seek more medication? Like an addiction? Withdrawal?! Some women can testify to this if their common ailments were miraculously healed during pregnancy. I’ve been told it’s just hormones or God’s grace to relieve you from all the other awful symptoms, but it truly makes me wonder why I only had migraines at the beginning of pregnancy. Could it be because I refused Tylenol and Advil while pregnant?!

My son cried every day and night with leg pains while on Singular. All doctors I questioned refused to believe in that side effect. I have documentation that the day after I stopped giving it, he no longer woke up in tears! A friend stated that her daughter also cries, but doctor said it was “just” growing pains. Guess what, she was also on Singular!?

I don’t think this is publicized because when a patient says, “I think Albuterol is causing these coughing fits, as his lungs essentially collapse 2-4 hours after each dose” (perfect red flag to diagnose bronchomalacia), doctors typically reply, “That’s because the medicine wore off and he’s having an asthma attack!” They completely disregard the years (over 2 now) worth of DAILY, and sometimes hourly, data that I’ve recorded showing that he only had those types of attacks after bronchodilators and only healed from them when I weened him!  If I weren’t so stubborn, I’d most likely believe them and be back in hospital as often as the days I wasn’t brave enough to fight back! Three of his recent trips were quickly healed with high flow oxygen!  NO medications!  I have to request an allergy band with bronchodilators because those are their first line of defense!  If oxygen works, why wouldn’t they try that initially? 

Please add your stories to the comments, as I want to see if you know of a situation that was misdiagnosed, when in actuality was a side effect. 

Thanks for being patient with my mistakes, 2am is when I can’t resist typing my spinning thoughts!

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