Hands Full with 3 under 4?

Looking back,  ABSOLUTELY! However, I wouldn’t change it now. They are so close to one another. After quite a few years of mass chaos, dare I say it’s finally a bit more peaceful and enjoyable.

The Not-So-Hot Areas

For a little bit, they were all 3 in diapers together, needing me for so much, and overall sucking the life outta me. I was either pregnant or breastfeeding for… too long. Not to mention that my 3rd is my mini-me and full of spunk.  To top it off, our medical disasters began when our third was 6 months old. 

What I Would Struggle With

When I look at parents that finish complete stages, I feel overwhelmed. To start over feels more stressful to me. I’m the kinda personality to jam all important things into one day, then rest the next two though.

Helpful Approach

I tend to teach them skills, rules, and expectations at the same time. I may blog about parenting, but definitely not organized enough to cover all the important topics with 3 separate kids at 3 separate times. Luckily for me, my 3rd picks stuff up faster than my first 2. Maybe it’s survival of the fittest!

The bright side, there will come a day when you say, “Get ready for school!” You will notice that for your first time, you can actually brush your own hair while they follow the routine you’ve previously taught them. Mine are 4,6, and 8 and we have found that sweet spot. 🥰

I often give huge incentives to follow my step by step guide with words and pictures. More importantly, I follow up with consequences to any offenders.  I couldn’t have felt more proud than last week when the two older boys had extra time to help my daughter blow dry her hair. I hope these posts never sound like bragging, but motivation to keep on pushing and endure the tough years. You WILL find this place where you’ve reached personal parenting milestones.

Are You Really Ready?

If you are torn on the timing, evaluate your personality and which you would prefer. If you are contemplating whether you could handle one more child, know that the first few years will be pretty rough. However, after that… it’ll be totally worth it. I may speak a new tune when we have 3 teenagers…  or 3 in college… or 3 weddings! If you are in the boat that we’ve recently docked, know that there is light at the end of this overwhelming tunnel. Good luck, Mommas. You’ve got this!

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