What is your favorite home remedy?

Coughing/ Wheezing:

Nasal Spray and Suction

Probiotics, multivitamins/ Vitamin C

Vaseline under nose and on lips

Limited dairy, salt, meat

Humidifier with eucalyptus and/or peppermint essential oil

Steam Shower while upright for 15 minutes and tapping on chest

Bundle them up and take them outside to breathe cold air or stand in front of freezer

Babies- lay on stomach while crying, Older kids- elevate while sleeping

Extra Rest and Extra Fluids (breastmilk has amazing antibodies to fight infections)

Essential oils (melaleuca, chamomile, and lavender with 2T olive oil to soothe and prevent infection) *avoid strong oils (such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and oregano) with young children, especially those with respiratory issues

Butterbur? Nettle Lead? Quertecin?

No suppressants- coughing is a natural response to clear the respiratory area

pediatric netty pot (chin to chest, sit straight up, 2x day)

Dust, new sheets, wash stuffed animals, allergy free pillow, vacuum daily, no fragrances

Lemon, honey, apple cider vinegar, ginger, pineapple, tea, kiwi, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, broccoli, avocado, cantaloupe, chicken broth

if you don’t have an airway clearance device, you can pound on their backs to help them relieve the mucus

1/2 t honey with 1t lemon as cough suppressant for children over 2 years old

If desperate, hold the child upright while they sleep


Elevate bed

No food before bed

Avoid chocolate, tomatoes, high fat, caffeine, citrus, fried


Bath with warm water- continue to pour water over their shoulders to prevent them chilling

Extra fluids – even if need to resort to popsicles, ice chips, Pedialyte, or using medicine syringe with a teaspoon of water every few minutes

Cool towel on head

Dress them in light cotton

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