“I Hear Ya, Loud and Clear”

I was teaching and rarely had much more than $20 after paying my bills each month. God whispered for me to give a super rich fellow teacher money. I scoffed at the thought and moved on. I thought of it again a few days later and again argued doing so would be offensive. The third time around, I thought, “Fine, I’ll give her whatever I have leftover after paying my bills!” I wasn’t concerned thinking through how much I had spent and knowing there won’t be much. You’re likely able to predict that it was an insane amount. Ready for this? $500 leftover. I checked through everything multiple times, no errors. I went to the bank to request a check without my name. I didn’t want to put it in her school mailbox or send through the post office, so put in my glove box until I could come up with a plan. I woke up on Sunday and messaged my friends saying I didn’t feel like driving all the way to Buckhead church and randomly tried one 15 minutes from my house. Guess who I see when I walk in??? HER! She had never been there either and her daughter wanted to try their children’s ministry! During the service, the pastor says, “I don’t typically do this, but I’d like you to circle up with your family to pray!” FINE, GOD, I HEAR YOU! I go over and we pray together. I asked her if we could go out to breakfast after. I gave her the check and said, “As freaky as this sounds, this check is from God.” She burst into tears explaining that she was begging for God to provide because her husband was arrested for investment fraud and they locked all their accounts. She didn’t have enough to pay the mortgage. Guess how much she needed???? $500!!!!

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