Speaking the Language of Love

Ever try to communicate something and it’s taken completely out of context? It happens to me ALL THE TIME! My nephew has the same problem, so I tell him to try to surround himself with people that know his heart and won’t let a few words steer them astray.

On a smaller scale, I think this happens to all of us and can damage relationships. According to Gary Chapman, we typically “speak” the language of love differently than our closest family and friends. There are five ways, which are: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. Therefore, when we are attempting to display our love to others, they may not even feel it… because they “speak and hear” a different language.

For example, I feel love and show love by acts of service. I will go out of my way to serve others and find ways to make them smile. Whereas, receiving gifts is my lowest. So, when my husband tries to buy me fancy gifts, I just worry he spent too much, think I could’ve found it cheaper, and convince myself that I would prefer a different color. But…. when he does the dishes without me even asking, I melt into a puddle.

It can be difficult to determine each and every family members love language, but I would highly recommend doing so. We all know that when someone fills up our “love tank,” we feel like we can conquer the world and want to fill up theirs in return.

These can change in time and you could have more than one, or like my husband claims, “I’m all of them!” I promise, once you try to love someone in their preferred language, you’ll kick yourself for not doing it sooner. GAME CHANGER
Five Love Languages, Small Group Study Edition
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