looking for childlike faith

Within minutes of a text about an 8 year old praying, “God just make his lungs do what they’re supposed to do,” our son was taken off oxygen! If only I could’ve had child-like faith to show my trust in such a powerful God and stop letting all the “what-ifs” and “impossibles” consume me, we wouldn’t have been on the verge of a mental breakdown for the 30 hours it took to get our son to breathe independently! 

Now, we are into a new season, as I asked God to give me the medical burdens verses our innocent son! Two days after our most recent ICU visit, the OBGYN called and requested I go see an oncologist! God placed people in our lives to help us walk this journey, but now I’m asking for prayers that we stay strong in our faith that God has a perfect plan for us. 

Rather than staying strong, I have come up with FOUR different cancers that I most likely have and years of symptoms and abnormal blood results to prove! I’ve even been able to convince doctors of these radical theories, and grateful to rule a couple out!  We’re still looking for someone who can pull the pieces together and figure out my random symptoms! But, we’ll save that for post-surgery.

Fortunately,  I have family and friends that keep me in check.  One sent me: Joshua 1:9- “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” And another reminded me of Isaiah 41:10- “So do not fear, for I am with you;  do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Whatever is happening to me,  I need to be confident that God has a purpose and a plan!  However, I’d love for those of you with childlike faith to beg God for a plan of health, safety, and joy for our family! Thank you so much! We appreciate these prayers more than you’ll ever know.

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