eeny meeny miny moe

What helped healed our son this time?

A. Quadrupled his inhaled corticosteroids?

B. Discontinued Zantac?

C. Increased immunity support?

D. Anti-Anxiety Approach

E. All the above

Side Notes:

A. He has been on this same dose in the past and had multiple hospitlizations while taking. His longest stretch without issues was while only taking one puff a day, instead of four. However, every doctor has confirmed that that amount is only placebo and cannot contribute to health. Also, his eosenophils, neutrophils, basophils, and CRP were only elevated once, which tends to disprove inflammation.

B. Zantac reduced the amount of acid secreted by the stomach. They wanted him to, “Try it, just in case he had reflux (which can cause respiratory distress).” My theory is that this medication made it difficult for his body to breakdown the increased secretions and would become lodged, causing mucus plugs.

C. For the last 2.5 months, since his last hospitalization, I started with a 2-3 week quarantine. They did not leave this house that entire time, except to play outside (sans playgrounds… too many germs). Surprisingly, they loved and were bummed when we got back into real life. I also researched all the best supplements and gave all three kiddoes (since its typically the siblings that brought home the best viruses), fish oil, elderberry, vitamin d3, multivitamins, probiotics, alkaline water, essential oils- especially on guard, grape juice, and local honey. Even though it is peak of one of the worse flu seasons, they only caught one cold to share and made it through without being hospitalized!


E. We finally learned God’s purpose in all this was to find ways to help others and he gave us all 4 prevention methods… especially if sharing them could help as little as 4 different kiddoes!

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