Why is it always on a plane that you hear people try to teach other parents?

As much as you’d like to avoid this, its all too common. I think people have travel anxiety and take it out on poor innocent mothers. One time, I was carrying a carseat, a diaper bag, AND my child. Some man had the audacity to glare at me for bumping into him. I will forever regret not saying, “It would be super helpful and humane if you’d offer to help me vs being annoyed with my supermom powers!”

So, if you haven’t caught on already, I researched all the tips of others, and made a list. Here you go:

Babies under 2 can fly free, riding on your lap. Airlines will typically gate check strollers and car seats for free. If they have extra seats available, they will let you bring car seat on for free. Otherwise, I would suggest a protective cover, as they just toss.

Most airports have a shorter security line for strollers. They are permitted a free diaper bag, following 3-1-1 liquid rule. You can bring bottles water, pediasure, etc (any size) as long as they are sealed.

It’s best if they drink on takeoff and landing to protect their ears. I also splurged on a handheld DVD player with headphones, but so grateful I did. Those two hours of guaranteed silence was worth it to me! 😉

You could also have favorite snacks, toys, and books ready. Another cute idea is a goodie bag for surrounding people saying, “Thank you for being understanding during my first flight. I may get scared, have pain in my tiny ears, or struggle staying seated. Here’s a treat to show my appreciation for your patience. ”

Practice new sleeping arrangements and such at least one week before you leave. You do not want them crying because of change your first night away.

Link to travel checklist

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